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machine.ADC – Functions to control the nRF ADC

The machine.ADC class contains all of the functions to control the nRF52 ADC. Import it using

from machine import ADC

To see what’s contained inside the class you can use the help() command



class machine.ADC(channel, pPin, res=14[bit], samp=32, pRes=PULL_DISABLED, nRes=PULL_DISABLED, gain=GAIN_DIV6, ref=REF_INTERNAL, acq=10[us], mode=MODE_SINGLE)

  • The S1 module breaks out two nRF GPIO pins. PIN_A1 and PIN_A2. Both of these pins can be used as ADC inputs, either as two single ended inputs, or a differential pair

  • To initialize an ADC input pin, call the ADC constructor

      myPin = ADC(0, ADC.PIN_A1) # Channel 0, and pin A1
  • The channel can be from 0 - 6. Different channels can be set using the same pin for different configurations. To fully understand the ADC features and limitations, have a look at the SAADC section of the nRF52811 datasheet

  • To view the current configuration, you can simply print the object

      # Prints out the configuration for myPin
      ADC(ch=0, pPin=PIN_A1, res=14[bit], samp=32, pRes=PULL_DISABLED, nRes=PULL_DISABLED, gain=GAIN_DIV6, ref=REF_INTERNAL, acq=10[us], mode=MODE_SINGLE)
  • Various options can be provided when setting up the ADC pin

    14Uses a 14 bit ADC resolution. Default
    12Uses a 12 bit ADC resolution
    10Uses a 10 bit ADC resolution
    8Uses an 8 bit ADC resolution
    1No oversampling
    2Use 2x oversampling
    4Use 4x oversampling
    8Use 8x oversampling
    16Use 16x oversampling
    32Use 32x oversampling. Default
    64Use 64x oversampling
    128Use 128x oversampling
    256Use 256x oversampling
    pRes/nResNote: nRes is only applicable in differential mode
    PULL_DISABLEDInternal pull resistor is disabled. Default
    PULL_UPPin will be pulled up
    PUUL_DOWNPin will be pulled down
    PULL_HALFPin will be pulled to half the VDD of the nRF (1.8V/2)
    GAIN_DIV6Set the ADC gain to 1/6. Default
    GAIN_DIV5Set the ADC gain to 1/5
    GAIN_DIV4Set the ADC gain to 1/4
    GAIN_DIV3Set the ADC gain to 1/3
    GAIN_DIV2Set the ADC gain to 1/2
    GAIN_UNITYSet the ADC gain to 1
    GAIN_MUL2Set the ADC gain to 2
    GAIN_MUL4Set the ADC gain to 3
    REF_INTERNALUse the internal 0.6V reference. Default
    REF_QUARTER_VDDUse a 1/4 VDD reference ~1.8V/4
    3Use an acquisition time of 3us
    5Use an acquisition time of 5us
    10Use an acquisition time of 10us. Default
    15Use an acquisition time of 15us
    20Use an acquisition time of 20us
    40Use an acquisition time of 40us
    MODE_SINGLEUse the pin as a single ended input. Default
    MODE_DIFFEnable differential input. The other pin will be automatically selected as the negative input



  • Gets the raw integer register value of the ADC channel

      # Returns the raw value


  • Gets the ADC value and returns the voltage as a float based on the channel settings

      # Returns the voltage as a float


  • Internally calibrates the ADC for more accurate readings. Can be called after power on, or periodically if the module will be subject to large temperature changes